Finally it’s mostly over all I have left is to wing a presentation!!! NO more studying!!! And what is this how the heck did this happen? I am posting two days in a row? That has to be a fluke. So any ways I did better on that test (I believe I knew more or was better prepared for this test) more so than any other test I have had to take in that course! But did I mention its over!!! Man I am pretty awake right now to have gotten no sleep on Tuesday and 3 hours last night. So I would say that me being awake right now is purely coffee and the Grace of God. But I think I may have a super power of having little to no sleep and doing just fine but hold all phone calls to Profesor Xavier. Well I may have felt a little tired this morning but another beautiful day to experience Gods Grace. God bless and if you'r lucky I’ve got some great blog spotting in need to post so stay tuned you may get lucky tonight.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I realy don't like school work.
I Hate Studying!!!! Grr. But it will teach me many lessons in diligence and doing everything to the best of my ability witch really is the least of my strengths!! ggrr enough of that though back to studies.
Nailed up by:
Screaming Pirate
6:23 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Im back!!(NO! RUN AWAY!!!)
Well folks I plan on blogging about some real issues soon and hopefully it will be more lately but knowing me and how I love to over commit and get lazy so here’s to hope. But seriously I have already started two that I plan on getting done by the end of the break, so any who. If you must know about my life right now, then you must know that I have Exams this week and I hate studying for them. I went swing dancing with ppl from Campus Outreach and Church Friday night. I made a butt out of my self but I had fun and so did every one else. I also so saw “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe�, excellent movie. I thought Asland provided a great picture of Sacrifice, really a better picture than I saw in “The Passion�. Saturday night I went to the church high school Christmas party we played capture the flag. That had to of had the most cheating and rule bending I have ever seen in a game of Capture the Flag in my life. Although I have not played that much Capture the Flag in my life. Lots more when on there but for the sake of you attention span I will move on to Sunday. Sunday, was wonderful a wonderful sermon on coming all the way to Christ the passage was out of Heb12:15-17, It was the highlight of my week Dr Lawson is such blessing to our Church.(That could be a whole another blog). So any ways, after Church I went to the Gibson’s house for the college fellowship. Man alive I can tell you we had some great food with some great fellowship. I must say after this weekend I can say that I am a truly blessed man to have such a great number of people that I can call brothers and sisters in Christ. God has been so faithful to me. So in closing could you guys take a little time out of your day to say a prayer for me as I take my exams this up coming week. (I will need everyone of them) God bless and as always Thank God for if you are alive then it is a beautiful day.
Nailed up by:
Screaming Pirate
12:38 AM