Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Throwing Water on a Cat

I renamed this one... well you will see

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that at the end of the post he says that his way of doing church is similar to what the old testament prophets did: give a countercultural message that is offensive yet attractive. I can think of plenty of scripture where the people are shown getting offended at the prophets, even killing them. But where were the people interested in the message of the prophets? Were they ever interested in that message enough to heed the message? Not really. Marky's not making a very good comparison here.

Another strange thing that he said is that it's good to have a countercultural message. I just got done listening to a message my his mentor Stetzer, who says that culture is important and that we have to understand culture in order to contextualize the gospel message. So which is it? A countercultural message, or a contextualized message?