“Knock, Knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Alan you’re moving to
Or at least it went down some thing like that. That said I am finally moving to
The massive missional, minded pirate with random insight that might actually be worth something from time to time.
“Knock, Knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Alan you’re moving to
Or at least it went down some thing like that. That said I am finally moving to
Nailed up by:
Screaming Pirate
1:13 AM
Labels: Cali, Friends, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Moving
I know it’s a little late to be publishing a Top 10 List of 2007 But here it is better late than never.
Top Albums 10 of 2007
Honorable mention (11-20)
Most disappointing
Man I was late to the party but man I loved it
Kind of a let down
Most hyped bands on the forums (weather they disserved it or not)
Albums I regret missing
Out of left field awards
Guilty pleasures
Kelly Clarkson (and yea ok a little
Singing random boy Band songs
News Boys - Love,
Albums I am lookin forward to in 08
Thrice Alchemy Index vol. 3 and 4
Secret and Whisper – White Whale
The Ivory Line
Number One Gun – The North Pole Project
Copeland - ????
We Shot the Moon -???
UnderOath - ???
Offspring -???
My Chemical Romance -????
Trenches - ??????
Meg and Dia - ????
Oh Light were may you be
Oh Day you are gone from this hour
The over cast blocks your glory
Distance impossible to perceive
Color impossible to see
Sorrow floods my day
Water is the plight of my feet
Grey is my prison
Destruction is near
I can hear it crash
Curse the light the clouds say
Curse the light for the Sun has been untrue
Sun come quick
Sun Come quick to my despair
Gorgeous Son you were there all the time
Glory veiled but never burnt out
Your warmth is never too far
Your glory dries the tears that engulfs my eyes
Blazing Sun when will your merciful ray cease to shine
Blazing glory in its fullness shown
What an ash I would be
Great Light you see it all
Great light you see the clouds
And say it is good for the rain to come
Greater than me
Bigger than me
Swallowed up in you I am
Nailed up by:
Screaming Pirate
11:50 PM
This is what I believe and is the core of what I believe. I have listened to this clip 5 or 6 times and it never gets old.
Nailed up by:
Screaming Pirate
12:13 AM
Labels: Mark Driscol, Mars Hill, Religion, The Gospel, Video
I read a great article on Desiring God the other day about more and more adults putting off growing up well into their late 20’s and early 30’s. I don’t think this is a good thing. Funny enough my friend Chris Barksdale had some similar thoughts on this article. Its some thing I noticed while I was in college. I am catching my self far too often my self caught up in being stuck in the same cycle. I am in the middle of repenting of this in my life right now (Yea, I am a loser still living at home). Far too many college kids are putting off responsibility in the name of education. Sure college is fun but far too often I find it only pushing people to mature in certain areas of life and is not very holistic in how it matures a person.
There are a couple of things I have noticed as the piece talks about one is the putting off of financial responsibility and just plain responsibility by spending 5+ years doing school. We rely on mom and dad or the government with loans to pay for school, room, and board. This, honestly, just not build a great foundation for financial responsibility later on in life and sets many people to be in debt for the rest of their lives.
The other major point is the putting off of marriage. Marriage (I am told) is a maturing process I often got this myth told to me you have to be super mature before you marry. You do need a certain amount of maturity but you gain so much in the process. I find my self more and more encouraging young dudes in college to find wives while they can now. There are many reasons why you see the premarital sex number so high and why everyone and their mom has to deal with porn these days and in part it is to blame on how long the average person is waiting till they get married. We were not designed for the most part to be single into our late 20’s. Listen I am all for people becoming smarter, and being educated. But as a good pastor friend of mine put it "Don’t let schooling get in the way of your education".
Album(s) of the moment: Watisha Wa – Eager Seas and Thrice - Alchemy Index Vol. 2 Water
Nailed up by:
Screaming Pirate
12:51 AM
Labels: Chris, Desiring God, John Pipper, Responsiblity
Lately I have been listening to allot of Thrice. One of the songs that has struck me is the title track off The Artist In The Ambulance disk. The song is about ones failures and desires to be more than just a bunch of empty talk to his listeners. He wants to actually reach out with his art and make a difference in their lives. (read the lyrics here) I kind of understand where he is coming from I want this blog to up lift you and hopefully mean some thing to you. I want to be the blogger in the ambulance.
I have been thinking about resurrecting this thing for a while now. I have thought and thought about what I want to put up here. Do I make it a deeply personal journal? Do I just do a bunch of music reviews? Do I write a bunch of post about what I think of issues facing Christianity? How about issues in this culture we live in? It could be so many things. I think honestly for right now I will just try to post on a regular basis, and honestly I hope its most of those things. I don't want you to watch me vomit all over this thing so I don't think it will be deeply personal but I do want to open up a little more on this blog. I don't know who has read this in the past or will in the future but I know me and I'll be a changing. But this I do know I want to be a pointer to Jesus that I know will always remain the same as long as his hand of grace is upon me.